Tag Archives: 21st Century

#thankful4 Wednesday: Living in the 21st Century


I am Thankful to be living in the time period that I do.*  (:

Though I do often think of time-traveling and how cool it would be to live a thousand years ago or a thousand years from now, I am happy to have been born when I was.  My generation got to grow up during a time of major transition for humanity: that from a (relatively) unconnected society to one where internet and cell phone use pervades our entire culture.

The world has never before seen this kind of ability for people to connect instantaneously with strangers who live thousands of miles away, and to exchange opinions the way people do here on WordPress and other social media sites like Facebook, Reddit and Twitter.  The fact that we carry devices that fit in our pockets and allow us to do such things is truly amazing – like something people a hundred years ago probably couldn’t have even dreamed about.  Though I know all kinds of interesting things have happened since the human species came into existence, I’m very happy that I get to experience the crazy things that I do living in the 21st century.


* From now on, every Wednesday, I’m going to post a picture and a couple paragraphs about something – usually something out of the ordinary – that I’m thankful for.  Anyone who wants to is welcome to join me on this endeavor.  (;