Tag Archives: reality TV


A good majority of adults in America today spend most of their time either sleeping (obviously) or doing things they don’t truly want to do (read: working a job they don’t like).  The cost of living is so high that a forty-hour job barely cuts it, what with kids to feed and all.  Most people are in debt, as our economy runs on it..  Did you know the economy will crash if more debt isn’t constantly being created? Look it up if you don’t believe me.

To escape the job they don’t like and the growing mountain of debt they can’t pay off, millions of Americans go home after work each night, get comfy on the sofa, and watch TV ‘till bedtime.  On-screen, they’re shown images of happy people with oversized houses, fancy clothes, brand-new cars and, of course, no debt.  They internalize the ideas that if they just work hard enough, if they could just buy a few more things: they, too, can be like those people on TV, living happily ever after.

But what is shown on TV is not reality, despite the fact that it is often presented as such (Reality TV, anybody?).  People who spend nearly half of their waking hours doing something they don’t like to do are not happy people.  People who own a lot of “stuff” are not happy people.  People who live in a racist, sexist, homophobic, shallow, violent, judgmental, backstabbing, materialistic society are NOT happy people.  But, of course, that is what TV generally portrays. 

Cable television exists for one reason: to make money.  They need you to feel like you’re always in a state of lack – physically and emotionally.  They need you to be insecure and unhappy so that their products can make you “secure” and “happy”.  They need you to be dumb – that way you don’t think about the things they tell you (or don’t) and instead you mindlessly consume.  They need you to be individualistic:  who cares if you only use something once every six months?  You need one of your own – and so does every.  Body.  Else.

How long is it going to take for us to realize that it’s all lies?  There are enough resources and enough labor to take care of everybody’s basic needs and still have plenty of both left over.  Happiness comes from within – from loving yourself, and loving others, from doing things you enjoy, and being grateful for what you have.  Money is not the answer to our problems: our currency is rapidly losing value while wages are stagnant and prices are rising.  It is time to snap back to the real Reality.

I know that we all want a better life, if not for ourselves, than for our children.  But that life isn’t going to happen as long as we keep doing what we’ve always done. It’s time to change some things up.  This is the 21st century, not the eighteen- or nineteen-hundreds. Unplug from the TV that serves to keep you locked in an Old Paradigm.  Spend some time reading, or in nature, or creating art, or meeting new people.  I guarantee you’ll begin to feel like a new – and happy – person.

Lots of Love,

Related Posts: Oh, it Affects You.., Do Something!, On Being Happy, Nature is Calling., Life is Good.